Crazy For Tarantulas
Tiger Wessels Ornamental (Poecilotheria Tigrinawesseli)

Tiger Wessels Ornamental (Poecilotheria Tigrinawesseli)


Most beautiful Spider to have in your collection! For the experts

Adult Size: 16cm to 18cm

Type: Old World, Arboreal

Growth Rate: Fast

Temperament:  Not for beginners. Defensive and aggressive if provoked or disturbed.

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SKU: TTWOS Category: Tag:

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10+ Years

Perfect For





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Not for beginners. Lightning fast from sling to adult, this tarantula will grow large and gorgeous. It’s venom is potent and although not necessarily an aggressive or defensive bird spider, it will gladly deliver a nasty bite if provoked or if given the right reasons. (The bites are very painful and can result in hospitalization for a careless or unlucky keeper).

This species can grow up to 16cm to 18cm it is an “old word species” Also an “Arboreal” Spider  therefor they do not have urticarial and their first line of defense it to bite when given the correct reason.